This is my first experience at blogging so bear with me. It's a Saturday morning and I am home alone with my two dogs. One is sleeping at my feet, the other is barking at our neighbor who is out mowing his lawn. It has no effect on him or on the sleeping dog. My husband is off on a buddy trip but I got a post card from him today. They visited the Corn Palace in Mitchell, South Dakota.
Now that I started this thing I am realizing that its hard to be creative on demand. I thought instead I would post a picture of the dogs. Unfortunately it appears my husband took both our cameras with him along with the movie camera. He must look like something walking around with all that hardware. I still have my old camera but the battery is dead. Yeah, the backup battery works. Ok, I took the picture. Now where is the cable to download the pictures?
I'm back, found the cable and the battery charger. There were still pictures on the camera from I don't know when. Here is the picture of the sleeping dog:
Her name is Ukie and she is a Papillon that we got from the Humane Society twelve years ago. She is very smart, sweet and a real chow hound. She has amzing focus when it comes to food. She uses her wiles to take food from her sister and often succeeds. One time she bit the end of a jerky strip off while her sister was carrying it in her mouth. Then she went around the other side and bit the other end off.