Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 3 of Freedom (Jan. 7)
     Last night my husband was watching a movie in the den so I went to bed to watch TV and promptly fell asleep. Consequently I woke up at 5AM today. Ugh! I hope this doesn't become a habit.
     We woke up to snow today. There was already a coating on the deck when I let the dogs out and it was snowing steadily. It snowed until about 4PM and I would guess we got about four inches total.

     Just as I was emailing family and friends about how nice it is to not have to go out in the snow, my husband came in and said, "Let's go out to lunch.". Both of us have driver's licenses expiring so he decided it would be a good day to get them renewed. He was right, no waiting!
    We called a friend who met us for lunch and on the way home we drove down some pretty streets and I got a lot of pictures. My husband did get a chance to check out his new snow blower today.

    When I checked email, one of my sisters had sent a message that she cannot go on the cruise for the selected week. I looked around and found another cruise but my other sister has an issue with that week. Sigh, its hard to get a group together especially when they are still working!

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